Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Can I just say that I'm a little busy! I feel like I have a list that is a mile long of things that need to be done for my job, home and my other responsibilities. Being in charge of multiple things is hard business ;) Of course I wouldn't be in charge if I didn't like it in some way! So I decided I wanted to share some of the things I have done with my kids and my nieces and nephew. I've made it a new tradition that they come over to my house and we decorate cookies and make new ornaments for my tree and for them to take home or give to someone as a gift. It is so much fun and my younger nieces and nephew love it. My older ones? Well that's a different story that I may share at a different time ;) Any who! I know it is after Christmas but these things were so worth sharing to me. I hope you enjoy and have a great new year!
My sons snowmen.  I love them!
My niece decided she needed a lot of sprinkles for her cookie and then later added a bunch of sprinkles to the vanilla frosting to make "her own creation".  It was so cute! 
My son decided he needed even more sprinkles than my niece ;)
My other niece decorated this one.  The snowmen are all girls wearing dresses and either have cute hair or headbands in their hair.  She called me a couple days later and said it broke at Mamaw's house.  Guess who's going to be coming back over to make another ornament :)
My daughter made this one and I have to say it's my favorite of hers so far.  I told her that I wanted something that reflected Jesus on the ornaments that we were making for the tree.  She painted a manger seen on it.  We did find the idea on Pinterest which I have told you before I absolutely LOVE!  Nice job Abby!

Friday, December 27, 2013

It's Been A LONG Time ;)

Hello everyone! Wow! I posted once and had every intention of at least getting on weekly but we see how that turned out. Anywho! I wanted to share with you some of the things I've been working on. So I decided, since we didn't have a lot of money I would make gifts for everyone this year. I was actually pretty excited about it! Let me say that I L-O-V-E pinterest! I get an idea from there and tweak it to make my own. It's so much fun. This year I made some things off of pinterest but also created some of my own things. I still have a lot of practice that needs to be done but the more I create the better I will get right?!?

Let me share a couple of things I have made recently. This first one was for my nieces who are 1 and 4. I knew that the 4 year old would get way more out of it but the 1 year old could play with mommy and daddy's help. (I hope they get into it too!!!)

I cut out the Mickey Mouse head and then attached pictures on it and around the sides. 
My nieces were so excited to see Mickey Mouse on something I made for them!  The coolest part you ask...What is inside!!!!  Inside I made some snowballs out of yarn and put this little card inside to explain how to use it.  After my four year old niece opened all her presents, she got out the snowballs and started attacking me with them.  It was so much fun and I could tell that she really loved her gift!  Score one for Auntie!  :) 

I came up with the Snowball Fight card all by myself :)

Next I made something for my two older nieces.  I don't think that they were as excited about their gifts as my younger niece was.  I was a little disappointed but what do I expect from teenage girls.  Anyway!  Here are their gifts. 

Kaitlyn loves cheetah print so the letters are that.  There are set on sparkly black cardstock that I got on sale at Joann Fabrics!  I think it turned out great! 

Brena isn't her real name but it's the nickname she has had as long as I can remember.  She told me if I made anything using her name to make sure it was Brena.  Her letters are zebra stripes since that is what she likes and the sparkly black cardstock.  I had fun making them for sure!